
Welcome to the Patch Wallet Developer Documentation.

This documentation provides the API references and information to use all Patch APIs.

Quick Start

One API call to find a Web3 wallet address for anyone on the internet. 🌎

🔍 Get wallet address for a user_id

To return a wallet address for *any* Twitter user, email, phone number, or other user ID, use:

  1. ENS Resolver

    1. const address = await provider.resolveName(`elonmusk.twitter.usr.id`);
  2. Resolver API

    1. curl --location 'https://paymagicapi.com/v1/resolver' \
      --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
      --data-raw '{
          "userIds": "twitter:elonmusk,email:[email protected],tel:19198675309,github:torvalds"

View examples on Postman

User IDs

Patch wallets function around the concept of a User ID, which gets you a unique account address.

A User ID is a unique provider and username ( like twitter:elonmusk, tel:19198675309, email:[email protected]) and returns a wallet address for them on a given chain (matic:0xabc...123).

Example userIds:

✍️ Send a transaction or sign a message

To send a transaction or sign a message for a given Patch wallet, use the Kernel Account API.

You'll need to authenticate first and then can send transactions like:

curl --location 'https://paymagicapi.com/v1/kernel/tx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
--data '{
    "userId": "twitter:elonmusk",
    "chain": "matic",
    "to": ["0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174"],
    "value": ["0"],
    "data": ["0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000a969E3D8b4A376a59B15C70f29Deb08fbFab07810000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002710"],
    "auth": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJhdXRoZW50aWNhdGVkIiwiZXhwIjoxNjc5NDYwODQ2LCJzdWIiOiI4YTFlODg2YS0xNmRjLTRlM2ItODg5MS04MWFiMjk3M2U5NjIiLCJlbWFpbCI6Imdlc2FnYTM0NzlAa2F1ZGF0LmNvbSIsInBob25lIjoiIiwiYXBwX21ldGFkYXRhIjp7InByb3ZpZGVyIjoiZW1haWwiLCJwcm92aWRlcnMiOlsiZW1haWwiXX0sInVzZXJfbWV0YWRhdGEiOnt9LCJyb2xlIjoiYXV0aGVudGljYXRlZCIsImFhbCI6ImFhbDEiLCJhbXIiOlt7Im1ldGhvZCI6Im90cCIsInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6MTY3OTQ1NzI0Nn1dLCJzZXNzaW9uX2lkIjoiMGRhMmQ4YmUtY2FiYS00MGRhLWE5ZTctOTliMjNlZmE4ZWExIn0.lfjj6YbJoCRSXRgW9vPg6Un0ck0NiBH6S97_gXUGKUE"

API Hostname

This API is maintained by Paymagic Labs and used at the paymagicapi.com hostname.


If you have questions, please reach out on Discord.


Last updated