Kernel Accounts are a simple smart contract wallet with the same address on all EVM chains and connected to a user's email, social account, phone, or an app provider. The Kernel Account API can be used to submit a transaction or sign a message through a target wallet.
Submit a Transaction
To send a transaction through a Kernel Account, see the Kernel Tx endpoint in Postman.
var myHeaders =newHeaders();myHeaders.append("Content-Type","application/json");myHeaders.append("Authorization","Bearer {{access_token}}");var raw =JSON.stringify({"userId":"test:elonmusk","chain":"matic","to": ["0x74427681c620DE258Aa53a382d6a4C865738A06C" ],"value": ["10000000000000" ],"data": ["0x" ],"delegatecall":0,// Optional parameter. Set to 1 for a delegatecall()."auth":""});var requestOptions = { method:'POST', headers: myHeaders, body: raw, redirect:'follow'};fetch("", requestOptions).then(response =>response.text()).then(result =>console.log(result)).catch(error =>console.log('error', error));
Sign a Message
Sign any arbitrary message using an EIP-1271 signature from your Patch wallet. Commonly used to sign into an application, submit a trade, or list an NFT on a marketplace.